When it comes to creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for Australians of all body shapes, types and capabilities, installing ambulant and disabled toilets – no matter how isolated your building, recreation area, park, or property is, is a surefire way to ensure that all Australians are able to enjoy everything our wonderful country has to offer.
LooCube modular disabled bathrooms can be installed virtually anywhere and come with a range of accessories and options that are sure to suit a wide range of bathroom applications.
For sites that aren’t connected to the power grid or town water, there are solar power options and tank water additions that make LooCubes a disabled bathroom design that can be truly off-the-grid.
How long does it take to install LooCube’s modular disabled restrooms?
Because LooCubes come pre-fabricated, installation time is greatly reduced when compared to a site-built toilet system. Prefabricated toilet buildings:-
- Come with many prefabricated components
- Don’t need to be connected to the power grid (solar option available)
- Don’t need to be connected to town water (water tank option available)
- Don’t need to be connected to sewerage (composting toilet options available)
- Won’t be delayed waiting for separate building material deliveries
All in all, if your site is prepared and ready for the delivery of our LooCubes (and depending on how many LooCubes you have to install), installation can be completed within a couple of days and ready for the public, staff or others to use.
Project Examples
Below is an example of one disabled cubicle, one ambulant cubicle and one store room, starting with a slab in place and all earthworks completed that started Monday morning at 0700. A team of three had packed and left by 3.00 pm Wednesday with the construction completed.

This is an eight-cubicle building which, from breaking ground to completion, took five people six days from start to finish (this includes all foundation and earthworks)

Are LooCube’s modular disabled bathroom buildings portable?
No. LooCubes are fixed buildings designed to be installed on-site and be a permanent bathroom block.
Are there any special tools required to install LooCube’s disabled restroom buildings?
No, there are no special tools required to install LooCubes. Tradespeople and builders can use everyday tools to install and build our LooCube disabled bathrooms buildings.
Are there accessibility-friendly accessories available for LooCube’s disabled restroom buildings?
Most definitely! We have various options available for our disabled bathroom buildings, including handrails, utility shelves, disabled toilet signs and automated door-closing mechanisms.
If you would like to speak with us about prefabricated disabled toilet buildings, please feel free to contact us at any stage on (07) 3889 6144 or via our contact us page, and we would be delighted to chat with you.