What are prefab toilet blocks and why are they gaining popularity?

If you’ve been involved in any type of project where a toilet block is required, particularly if there is limited access to mains water and sewage, you may have noticed that modular, prefabricated toilet blocks are often chosen for these types of toilet buildings.

If there’s limited access to water and sewage piping, this can make building a ‘traditional’ toilet building difficult so councils, mining companies, campgrounds and nationals parks more frequently choose to install either composting toilets or dry vault toilet systems into a prefabricated ablution block.

Not only does this make sense from an environmental perspective but from a budgetary and timeframe perspective also.

Compared to ‘traditional’ toilet blocks, modular toilet blocks like LooCubes are:-

  • Quicker to install
  • Easier to maintain
  • Can accommodate a wide range of toilet options (traditional, vault or composting)
  • They’re fire resistant
  • They don’t rust or corrode
  • Don’t smell

What are prefab toilet blocks?

As the name suggests, prefabricated toilet blocks are buildings that have already been designed, engineered, developed and partially built so they can be easily put on pallets and distributed to anywhere in Australia.

This means an easy-to-install building that meets Australian standards can be quickly shipped to any part of Australia you can get a truck and only requires standard tools to install and build.

The best part of a modular approach to toilet blocks is that each building is the same to construct as the last, so installation is easy, quick and the same across multiple sites.

If your next project requires a toilet building and is in a remote area with limited or no access to mains water and sewage a LooCube prefabricated toilet building combined with either composting or dry vault toilets is a great option. Talk with us today about your requirements.

Does not include:

  • Dry Vault System
  • Site Specific Engineering Certification
  • Installation
  • Freight


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