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What are dry vault toilets & how do they work?

What are dry vault toilets & how do they work?

Imagine for a moment you’re in charge of an area that needs to either house multiple people or provide amenities to various people. Yet, there are no running water or sewer lines anywhere near, and it’s not viable to connect to mains water or sewer options. This...

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Ambulant Toilet Requirements in Australia

Ambulant Toilet Requirements in Australia

If you’ve never had to think about it, it’s possible that you think that accessible, ambulant and disabled bathrooms are all the same. We’ve sometimes seen project requests come through using these terms interchangeably however, all three terms mean something...

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Modular Disabled Restrooms for an Inclusive Australia

Modular Disabled Restrooms for an Inclusive Australia

When it comes to creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for Australians of all body shapes, types and capabilities, installing ambulant and disabled toilets – no matter how isolated your building, recreation area, park, or property is, is a surefire way...

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